Tuesday, May 20, 2014

[Aneinu] Please Daven For Missing Queens 14-Year-Old Girl UPDATE

Please daven that they find Tehilla safe and well. Tehillim below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Queens Hatzolah has just launched a search for a missing girl. The following is her description: Her name is Tehillah, and she is 14-years-old. She was last seen around 7:00PM, at Liberty Avenue and the Van Wyck Expressway. She is wearing a purple pull-over vest, black shirt, and a long black skirt. She has braces on her top teeth, and has blond shoulder-length hair. She is approximately 5 foot 4, and is very thin. She had a silver purse over her shoulder. She can be afraid of police. Dozens of Hatzolah volunteers are currently searching the area where she was last seen. Please contact Hatzolah if you have any information which can assist in finding her.FOUND: Queens Hatzolah Has B”H Found The Missing 14-Year-Old Girl [9:15PM] The search for the 14-year-old missing girl has ended. Hatzolah has Boruch Hashem found her in good condition. Please pass this along to anyone who you may have told about the search. All personal details have been removed from this article for obvious reasons. Queens Hatzolah thanks all the volunteers who assisted, including Chaveirim, and Shomrim. (Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

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