Monday, May 5, 2014

[Aneinu] Prayer request for Crohn's Disease patient

From: To: Sent: 5/4/2014 9:18:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time Subj: Prayer request for Crohn's Disease patient.... Please daven for Leah/Lisa bat Sheryl Marie. This is a 24-year old woman who has Jewish blood in her family, but she directly is not. She has asked for prayer from the women of Aneinu once before regarding her serious Crohn’s disease surgeries. Tomorrow - May 5th she is having bowel re-construction surgery - yet again. Everything in her seems to be paper thin and they are going to try again to connect her intestines after taking out large sections. She is very anxious to have her surgery go well, so she can try to live “normally” again. She will be in hospital for at least one week in recovery. Her last surgery’s success, she attributes to the prayers of Jewish women because “they know how to connect with God and get His attention." She was hoping someone in Israel could pray for her at the Kotel again - which meant the world to her. This young woman has been getting herself invited to Jewish-run seders for the past 4-5 years. And is very interested in the Jewish side of her family. If anyone is able to get to the Kotel, please let me know so I can tell her. Thank you for your tefillah! -Devorah Haggar

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