Sunday, June 15, 2014


Here are great things to do as a zechus, as all of Klal Yisrael is coming together to pray/learn/increase our mitzvot to Hashem for the three children to return safely home. ''A good way to start say to Hashem- '' I love You Hashem with all my heart. Then say You are our Father who is maleh chesed and rachamim. Please bring back the boys safely! Yaacov Naftali ben Rachel יעקב נפתלי בן רחל Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim גילעד מיכאל בן בת גלים Ayal ben Iris Tshura אייל בן איריס תשורה 1. Learning together-click here or do some extra learning. 2.2. Say Tehillim-Click here for a great website that coordinates a constant siyum on Sefer Tehillim and gives you a random perek to say. Or say Tehillim with the boys names in mind. 3. 3. Share this moving video from the American mother of Naftali Frenkel click here 4. Have your shul or school say Tehillim and take upon themselves something, as a zechus for the children to return safely. Here are more great things to do:- 1) learn for 5 min 2) learn for 10 min 3) learn for 15 min 4) learn for half-an-hour 5) learn for 45 min 6) learn for one hour 7) learn 1 halacha 8) learn 1 amud (one side of the page) of gemara 9) learn 1 blatt (double-sided page) of gemara 10) do shnayim mikra ve'echad targum (reciting each passuk of the weekly parasha two times [in the hebrew] and then once [in a translation - Onkelos/Rashi, or English if needed] 11a) be more careful with reciting berachot on food. 11b) have more kavvana with berachot on food 12) be more careful with saying beracha achrona 13a) be more careful with reciting "asher yatzar." 13b) say "asher yatzar" with more kavana 14) make sure to go to minyan for davening 15) have more kavvana in shema 16) have more kavana in 1st beracha of shemona esreh 17) have more kavvanah for first three berachot of shemonah esrai 18) have more kavvanah for the entire shemonah esrai 19) help out someone in need 20) Refrain from lashon hara for an hour 21) Hold back from making fun of someone 22) Think before you speak make sure it will not embarrass or hurt someone by saying something wrong,(chas v'sholom) 23) Go to shul and answer "Amen, Yehei Shmei Rabba with sincere kavannah 24) Say tehillim click here understanding the words and believing in them 25) click here for Hashem's Phone Number 26) Don't talk in shul 27) Go to to listen to shiurim 28) Join Ben Olam Habah and recieve two Halachos each day Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us (Click here) one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba - the world to come. (Talmud Niddah 73a) 29) or join 30) Speak to Hashem in your own words 31) Do another Mitzvah 32) Do the Shabbos campaign click here 33) Shmiras Haloshon Daily (A Daily Companion). We currently have 6 separate emails we send out. 1) A Daily Companion 2) A Lesson a Day 3) Lessons in Truth 4) Loving Kindness 5) the sefer Chofetz Chaim in the original Hebrew 6) Ohaiv Yomim (Daily Companion translated into Hebrew) In order to receive A Lesson A Day, please email me at with subject subscribe. In order to receive Lessons in Truth, please email me at with subject subscribe. In order to receive Loving Kindness, please email me at with subject subscribe. In order to receive sefer Chofetz Chaim, please email me at with subject subscribe. In order to receive sefer Ohaiv Yomim, please email me at with subject subscribe. CLICK HERE AND PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS Tizku L'mitzvos

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