Tuesday, June 24, 2014

[Aneinu] Call in Number Reb Gluck yartzeit Gathering

he call in number for tonight's gathering to commemorate the yarzeit of Reb. Sora Gluck is (661) 673-8600, pin number 326732# at 7:45 PM. There will be a community-wide gathering, לזכר נשמת, Rebbetzin Sora Gluck, a"h on the occasion of her first Yohrzeit. For men and women - Tuesday evening, June 24, 2014 at Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov (3200 West Peterson Ave). Mincha at 7:30 pm, with the program at 7:45 pm, followed by Maariv. Please share your memories about Rebbetzin SoraGluck ע"ה sgluckmemories@gmail.com 5040 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 or Fax 847-675-7136 תנצב"ה. --

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