Sunday, June 15, 2014


THE ORIGINAL NAME, AYAL BEN IRIS TESHURAH, IS CORRECT. IT IS PRONOUNCED EE-REES BS"D Please, let us recite the sefer tehillim as many times as we can and May HK"B have rachamim, may the boys be safely returned to their families as soon as possible. Their names: יעקב נפתלי בן רחל, גלעד מיכאל בן בת גלימ, איל בן איריס תשורה Yaakov Naphtali ben Rochel Devorah Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim Ayal Ben Iris Teshurah Here's the link to say the tehillim for them: If you don't wish to say perakim from that website, please recite: 83, 121, 130, 142 May Hashem Yishmor. debby mayer

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