Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Aneinu Special Shiur for 3 kidnapped boys

In light of the situation in Israel, there will be a special women's shiur at Congregation Kesser Maariv, 4341 W. Golf, Skokie, tonight, Wednesday June18th at 7:45 pm. It will be a 45 minute inspiring shiur on Achdut - Unity- given by Sarah Kramer. We will recite Tehillim afterwards. All womeneare invited to attend as we learn and daven for Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah, Gilaad Michael ben Bat Galim and Ayal ben Iris Teshurah. Please keep davening for them. May we hear good news very soon. For more information call Saretta at847-204-0556 or 847-676-0556.

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