Monday, July 14, 2014

YU TORAH Halacha from the Daily Daf: Taanis 30&31-- Three Weeks --Halacha & Machshava By Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

L'ilui Nishmat גיל-עד מיכאל בן אופיר, יעקב נפתלי בן אברהם ואייל בן אוריאל And a zechus for those in Eretz Yisrael under rocket fire Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein brings the Rav who says shave 3 weeks but Rav Moshe argues and says no shaveing during the 3 weeks.Ashkenazim can wash children clothes 9 days till week of Tisha Bav no simcha in that.No mouthwash on Tisha Bav like Yom Kippur.In time of tzar there tremendous hashgaca we show Hashem the Mikdash is still with us that's our avoda of the 3 weeks.The 5 inuyim remove us from gashmios. Nesivus Shalom Tisha Bav connect to the lav his essence his mikor is connected to Yerushalayim Shel malah. Connect to Yerushalayim Shel malah all year round by doing things zecer lamikdash.for the rest of the shiur click here.

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