Friday, July 18, 2014

YU TORAH Halacha from the Daily Daf: Megillah 7-- Drinking Alcohol on Purim By Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

L'ilui Nishmat גיל-עד מיכאל בן אופיר, יעקב נפתלי בן אברהם ואייל בן אוריאל a zechus for those in Eretz Yisrael under rocket fire and for the soldiers on the ground in Gaza. Rav Eisenstein says make Purim higher through mishte.Rabbi Tatz says wine is the secret of klal yisrael it brings us to a higher madraga.Drink at the suda not whisky but wine.Sefas Emes not ad di lo yada but to find deveikus to HASHEM find HASHEM in the sudah.How do I find HASHEM in the sudah?Learn b/4 the sudah.Cheshbon hanefesh and hakaras hatov to your Rabiem and parents.Click here for the rest of the shiur.

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