Monday, August 25, 2014

[Aneinu] Tehillim for Aharon Sofer

Aharon Sofer (Aharon ben Chulda) is our first cousin, he was last seen on Friday in the Jerusalem Forest. R' Chaim Kanievsky says that he is alive in an arab village and now we need to daven and men should learn mesachas shviis. R' Dovid Abuchatzeirah says now is the time to daven. The family has set up numbers for people to call for people to take perakim of tehillim so we can try to finish sefer tehillim 1,000 times. Anyone interested can call 058-320-4859 or 058-320-4860, 917-809-5145 or 917-809-5146. These numbers all ring to an Israeli cell phone so between 11 pm and 8 am Israel time, please text 443-929-6549 and we will respond with perakim to say. May we hear besuros tovos bekorov! Batsheva Sofer (Oratz)

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