Wednesday, August 13, 2014

OU TORAH Megillah DAF 27 Sanctity Sale and the Hebrew Book Stores By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Please learn this as a zechus for Eretz Yisrael and our injured and fallen soldier. Rav Koster brings the S"A Y"D who brings the Rosh who says we mikiem the mitzva of buying a sefer Torah through buying sefarim.That is a kulah but its also a chumrah b/c it would be asur to sell sefarim but we do sell them?A bar mitzva bachur has 10 copies of hagas Aryeh he can exhchane it thats not problem.What about a regular person?The Pischei Teshuva says many people are not makpid about this and he brings the Tifers Limoshe who says a yachid can sell his sefarim.The M"A and the M"B do not bring this Tifers Limoshe though.So to be maqkil we have 1 shita in the S"A and the Tiferes Lomoshe.for the rest of the shiur which includes a teshuva from Rav Moshe on this click here.

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