Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Please learn this as a zechus for Eretz Yisrael and our injured and fallen soldiers. 1.Give hagbah to children show how important chinuch is. 2.The Chasam Sofer says chacamim need to talk to each other to get thev right pisak. 3.The Mharsha asks why is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur not mentioned at the end of our masechta?Those yamim tovim deal with hilchos teshuvaand that we should learn every day. 4.Poskim one place Pesach 30 days b/4 but here it says on Pesach learn halachos?It means all days leading up to yom tov.The Beis Yosef answers there is a difference between Pesach and other yomim tovim.Pesach has alot of halachos that are relevant b/4 Pesach and so we need to learn them b/4 Pesach but other yomim tovim dont have this.2 people ask a question b/4 Pesach 1 on Pesach 1 not the Pesach shilacomes 1st. 5.Last Rashi of Masechta Megillah Moshe taught them the halachos of every yom tov during their time learning this they got sechar and their children got sechar in this world and the Olam Haba HASHEM should give us such a beracha.

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