Friday, August 1, 2014

SHMAIS.COM REBBE VIDEO: Kabbalah for Kids?

PLEASE LEARN THIS FOR OUR FAMILIES SOLDIERS Ariel son of Yosef Tzvi Damiel Bergman son of Arnesa Ambarbar son of Anish and Elezer son of Sarah.(update L"N) Hadar ben Chedva Leah.Also L'ilui Nishmat גיל-עד מיכאל בן אופיר, יעקב נפתלי בן אברהם ואייל בן אוריאל a zechus for those in Eretz Yisrael under rocket fire and for the soldiers on the ground in Gaza. The fifth of Av marks the passing of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, known as the Arizal, who was a foremost scholar of Jewish mysticism and the father of his own school of Kabbalah. He left few writings – his teachings were only compiled by his students after his passing, yet his every custom was studied and adopted by his disciples even during his lifetime. Over the course of time, these customs became authoritative in many communities. In an address to children the Rebbe explains that one need not be a mystic to implement them. 4 Av, 5740 – July 17, 1980

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