Thursday, September 11, 2014

OU TORAH CHAGIGA DAF 2 Aliyah L'Regel: Yom Tov with Hashem By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Rav Greenwald says klal yisrael and HASHEM meet on aliya laregel on yom tov and this is the theme of masechta Chagiga.Its a time to reflect on our relationship with HASHEM.The theme of the masechta is simcha.Being michanach our children is by being a role model.Rav Hutner says proper child chinuch is the child should want to do mitzvos on their own.Its a link in a chain from har sinai and we see this fom the Akeida.There is a lot of mesorah and minhag on yom tov.HASHEM should help us learn masechta Chagiga and have a relationship with HASHEM by being ole liregel on an individual family and klal here for the rest of the shiur.

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