Friday, October 3, 2014

[Aneinu] Please Daven for the Kaalover Rebbe

A Message from the Kaalov Headquarters: Tefilos (Prayers) kindly requested for the Kaalover Rebbe, shlita. Dear holy fellow Jews everywhere, Yom Kippur is a day when our Tefilos are most potent. Our holy Sages revealed an additional key to increasing the power of prayer, combining our personal requests with entreaties to Hashem on behalf of the wellbeing of a Tzaddik. In particular, a Tzaddik who empowers and encourages Jews to fulfill and keep Mitzvos properly is especially a target of the Satan. The Satan constantly tries to “get at” the Tzaddik, so to speak, and undermine his ability to carry out his holy work. Accordingly, the Tzaddik needs extra special protection and prayers. We regret to inform you that the Kaalover Rebbe has been unwell. We come to you today with a special plea for our holy Rebbe. Please keep him in your prayers through the course of Yom Kippur. Please pray to Hashem that our Rebbe, מרן רבינו משה בן ריזל שליט"א Grand Rabbi "Moshe ben Raizel" will be granted longevity, good health and the strength to be able to continue his holy endeavors in guiding us and strengthening Judaism all around the world. Hashem is most fond of prayers offered for the Tzaddik’s health and welfare. When we hold the Rebbe in our Tefilos on the awesome day of Tefilos, we can be confident that our simple prayers will ascend to Hashem, and that He will grant us all a year of abundant joy and blessing.

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