Saturday, November 8, 2014


MINCHA YOU KNOW MY DARLING FRIENDS,WHAT IS Yitzchak all about?When it comes to the last few minutes of the day,Yitzchak shows up.Our holy father Yitzchak brought the prayer of mincha down to the world.You see what it is,when I wake up in the morning like Avraham Avinu I have so many gevalt plans for today but when the day is over gevalt I am broken.Let me share with you something so heartbreaking yet so beautiful In the Freidiker Rebbe diary(Sefer HaSichos the year 5708 p.227)he writes that when he was five years old he went on a walk with his father around mincha time,late afternoon.His father the Rashab asked him why is thesun red b/4 it sets?And this is what his father told him.Every morning when the sun begins to shine the sun isaying today I will bring Maschiach,today I will redeem the world.But then, when the day is over and it didn't happen,the sun is ashamed.So the sun gets red with shame.So the prayer of Mincha is whatever you hoped for this day,God says you didn't do it,but I give it to you as a gift.I don't want you to walk away from this day thinking you didn't do anything.for other divar torahs click here to buy on amazon The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Genesis, Part I

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