Tuesday, December 23, 2014

[Aneinu] Please Davn for Injured Soldier

While fighting in Aza during Tzuk Eitan, Yehuda Yitzhak Hayisraeli from Ofra was very gravely injured by shrapnel to the right side of his brain and has been only minimally conscious since then. After several setbacks, he will be undergoing a crucial oper at ion tomorrow (Tuesday, 1 Tevet) to replace part of his skull. His family is asking everyone possible to please daven for the success of the oper at ion and for a refuah shleimah for their son and husband. Yehuda Yitzhak is the father of two young children, a two-year-old girl and a four-month-old boy who was born shortly after he was wounded (the son's brit was held by his hospital bed). His name for tefillot is Yehuda Yitzhak ben Iris. Please keep him in your davening tomorrow and for the next few weeks.

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