Monday, January 12, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Triplets/Mom

Please daven for this family. Hela lived in Chicago for a few years until she got married and moved out of town. She is B'sha'ah Tova Umitzlachas expecting triplets. Hela bat Revital and her three babies need lots of prayers/tefilot. She was hospitalized with what looks like very early labor Friday afternoon at 26 weeks. We need to keep those babies in as long as possible. Each baby, as of now, is doing okay, and she's really worn out. Please daven/pray for Hela bat Revital, her three babies, and her husband, Meir ben Yehudit. (And distribute their names to all tehillim/anash lists, prayer chains, etc.) Thank you. Tizku L'mitzvos We should hear good news!!!

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