Sunday, January 25, 2015

OU TORAH Yevamos Daf 112 Cochlear Implants By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Rav Grunwald asks cochlear implants is it considered hearing and how does halacha look at it?If he is a regular cognitive person except for those places where you need to hear acoorrding to the Rambam he is not a bar das but according to the Poskim as long as he can speak even not that good he can make kidushun.Things that require hearing like being a bal tokia it could be a problem if its not halachically hearing.If he cant talk or is quite unclear Rav Moshe says even if he can write with technology he is still considered a charash.An in between he can't hear and he talks minimally but its unclear its a gray area ask a Posek.Click here for the rest of the shiur.

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