Friday, February 20, 2015

OU TORAH Daf sugya with Rabbi Elefant Ksubos daf 2 – Setting a Wedding Date Part 3

Rabbi Elefant brings the Rema wedding beginning of month Till 15 or 21 of month Poskim not makpid on this minhag. Rabbi Wosner make wedding Wensday night gemara has other reasons we don't know. Poskim Eretz Yisroel din mazel does not apply can make wedding earlier date. Poskim Adar we are makil get married any day. The Rebbe new moon b/4 moled make the wedding. Rav Ovadia Yosef wedding can take place a seres yamei teshuva others argue. Bnei Yissaaschar getting married during Cheshvan depends on the minhag. Many minhag no wedding yortzeit of Moshe Rabainu 7th of Adar. Getting married under sky Rema siman bracha blessed like stars.Chasam Sofer no outside don't be misde kidushin but Rav Moshe says it's ok.The sidie Chemed wedding needs to be outside and it was. We are always under Avraham protection b/C we are the children of Avraham Avinu.for the rest of the shiur click here.

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