Sunday, February 1, 2015

OU TORAH YEVAMOS DAF 119 DNA Forensics and Relating to Statistics By Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Rav Yitzchak Grossman brings Rav Ovadia Yosef who says we do not do blood testing for paternity.DNA testing by September 11th to determine identity Rav Goldberg says we do rely on it and Rav Elyashiv also says we rely on it its a siman muvhak.Rav Elyashiv also says do not do paternity tests to determine a mamzer but if you do it it works.Rav Gerstein and Rabbi Levine of the choshen mishpat kollel of Lakewood say we do not rely on DNA testing.for the rest of the shiur click here.

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