Sunday, February 15, 2015

[Aneinu] TORAHANYTIME.COM Yaakov Ben Sara Kolyakov URGENT Tehillim request

Dear Friend, Please say tehillim/psalms for the Refuah Shelemah/quick and full recovery of: Yaakov Ben Sara Kolyakov If it wasn't for this holy Jew, father of Shimon and Reuven Kolyakov, would not be in existence today. Tehillim/Psalm 20 Tehillim/Psalm 30 Please give tzedaka in his merit and/or do a mitzvah with his full recovery in mind. Please share this information with as many Tehillim lists/groups as possible. From Perakim (chapters) of Tehillim/Psalms to be said for a sick person: 6, 30, 41, 88, 103 Afterwards say perek (chapter) 119. Say the pesukim (sentences) that start with the letters of the sick person's name and the person's mother followed by the psukim (sentences) that start with Kuf,Reish, Ayin, Shin, Tet, Nun. These are the 1st letters of the words: "Korah Satan", "tear the evil decree of Satan". If time is limited, say what you can and end with 119. In the merit of your words, may Hashem grant Yaakov ben Sara a speedy and full recovery. May we only know good tidings moving forward. Team

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