Monday, March 23, 2015

[Aneinu] Fwd: Today's Terrible Tragedy - We Dont Know Why But We Know...

Suggestions from an Aneinu member on how to respond to the tragedy in Flatbush: Sent: 3/22/2015 5:43:13 P.M. Central Daylight Time Subj: Re: [chicago-aneinu] Today's Terrible Tragedy - We Dont Know Why But We Know What. there also a nice websites like Yu Torah that has hundreds of shiurs on and plus Dirshu Mishna berura yomi program is restarting today there are 2 shiurs one at Or Torah at 8:30 am and one at Kollel Ahavas Hatorah 3135 devon at 8:45 pm for more information email info@kollel order a calendar or sign up for the daily email

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