Monday, March 23, 2015

[Aneinu] Request for Tefillos from Israel

BS"D Dear Daveners: The shear numbers and rapidity of their occurrence is mind boggling --and so many children. Reb. Yemima Mizrachi noted that when the Gross children R"L were niftar that HK"B "speaks to us between the Cheruvim" through our children. (1) Shalom Yedidya ben Chana Perel Sara - a 3-year-old (his mother is a former resident of Neve Yaakov) who has been having severe neurological problems and seizures. By now he's been in the hospital for 5 days and has been getting worse, and his situation is considered pikuach nefesh. (2) Chaviva Sarah bas Ahuva Tzivia is doing a little better but still needs tefillos (liver transplant)

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