Monday, March 16, 2015

HAGGADAH PICK NUMBER 5 March of Centuries Haggada From Mitzrayim to Moshiach By by Beinush Ginsburg

The March of Centuries: From MItzrayim to Moshiach is much more than a Haggada. Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg weaves together seamlessly all the elements of the Seder night — its profound insights, halachos, and inspiring lessons — with an easy-to-read style. Engaging and enlightening, it brings alive the experience of Yetzias Mitzrayim through in-depth analysis of the Haggada's message, sprinkled with parables and true stories. Rabbi Ginsburg's thoughtful commentary guides us in our steady march towards the future redemption. The accessible and clearly written halachic discussions offer practical guidance on how to properly fulfill the mitzvos of the Pesach Seder, while the essay section presents additional pathways toward a deeper understanding of the meaning of Pesach.(From Feldheim)

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