Monday, April 6, 2015

[Aneinu] Please daven for injured at levaya

BS"D Please daven for our friendAvraham Meir ben ​Leah - he had a major operation and needs a Refuah. Also the Tzibur is being called to daven for the people that were hurt at the Levaya last night in Bnei Brak of Rav Vozner zt"l - they are in difficult condition: Yisrael Meir bn Rosa Yitzchak bn Eidel Tomer Tanchum bn Shoshana Rosa L\Refuah Shlema BeSoch Shear Cholei Israel. ישראל מאיר בן רוזה, (14) יצחק בן אידל, (18 חתן) תומר תנחום בן שושנה סוזן (36) לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל.

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