Friday, April 17, 2015

[Aneinu] Sheloshim for the Sassoon Children A”H (Broadcast Live on

-----Original Message----- From: DailyHalacha Sent: Fri, Apr 17, 2015 10:07 am Subject: Arayat – Sheloshim for the Sassoon Children A”H (Broadcast Live on There will be 3 gatherings for the 30 Day Remembrance (Arayat / Sheloshim) of the 7 Deceased Sassoon Children. All 3 will be broadcast live on Learn from the Messages, Memories and Miracles of the Sassoon Family Fire on the Sheloshim of these 7 tragic Korbanot. Sunday, April 19th In Brooklyn, NY at Keter Torah (Corner of Ave L & East 23rd St) Limited Capacity- Better to Watch it Live on Minha 6:15 pm(5:15 Chicago time)6:30pm NY time(5:30pm Chicago time)Followed by Siyum Hashas (The Entire Shas) in memory of the Children Followed by Speeches and Arbit Monday, April 20th In Jerusalem, Israel (Men Only) 8:20pm (Berachot will begin at 7:00pm) Bet Knesset Mishkan Esther, Rechov Michel 10 Sanhedria Speech by the Children’s father Rabbi Gavriel Sassoon Watch it Live on (1:20pm NY Time)(12:20pm Chicago time) Tuesday, April 21st In Jerusalem, Israel (Ladies Only) 10:30am – 12:30pm Neve Yerushalayim Hall, Rechov Beit Yitzchak 1 / Hakablan 10, Har Nof Speakers: The Children’s Father Rabbi Gavriel Sassoon Rebbetzin Chaya Levine Rabbanit Yemina Mizrachi Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis Watch it Live on (3:30am NY Time)(2:20am Chicago time) In Memory of: Eliane bat Gilsom Gila A”H David ben Gilsom Gila A”H Rivkah bat Gilsom Gila A”H Yeshua ben Gilsom Gila A”H Moshe ben Gilsom Gila A”H Sara bat Gilsom Gila A”H Yaakob ben Gilsom Gila A”H Please continue to pray and recite Tehillim for the physical and emotional recovery of: Gail Sassoon: Gilsom Gilah bat Tsiporah Frances Tsiporah Sassoon: Tsiporah bat Gilsom Gilah

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