Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Click here for Rabbi Elefant or Rabbi Rosner shiur plus Daf Sugya with Rabbi Elefant and The Bais Havaad The Daf in Halacha.Click here for around a 5 minute review of the daf with Daf Hachaim. Click here for YU Torah daf yomi shiurs the one I sometimes use is The Daf & The Halacha: Nedarim 2 By Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein Welcome to the Kollel Iyun Hadaf where you will find daf outlines and more. Here the Daf Digest with the very nice Halacha Highlight. Daf Notes English Commentary - If you wish to read an easy to understand complete English translation of the Daily Daf then our English Commentary is for you. Our Daf Notes English translation incorporates the discussions of the Gemara for the advanced learner's review and at the same time offers an easy to understand translation for the beginner where you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a day! Daf Insights - In conjunction, both commentaries offer some additional food for thought, what we call Daf Insights (in the English Commentary) and Iyunim (in the Hebrew Commentary). These Insights consist of Halachic and Aggadic topics and can be used as a springboard for further research and learning. The Insights of the Hebrew Commentary is more advanced than the Insights of the English Commentary. Don't forget about the Artscroll app and Volume 18 - Nedarim The NoƩ Standard, Color Edition Also available as a pdf downloadClick here for that.for the print version in Chicago visit Rosenblooms where you will find it for $39.96 If you are out of town cklick here to buy it here. Also don't forget to pick up at your local bookstore The Mesivta Darchei Noam gemaras.and did you know the english Yated Neman has daf insights.

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