Monday, June 8, 2015

[Aneinu] Davening Request

From Devvy in Israel: BS"D Dear Daveners: 1.Ma'ayana Chaya Mushka bas Devorah Haddasah a little six-year old in desperate need of a refua. Her mother sent me this information: she is a complicated case developed normally till age 3 walking, running, talking; suddenly epilepsy then stopped talking then stopped walking, and is now blind. She in a wheelchair spoonfed but understands a lot and is a neshama very elevated indeed sweetest little 6 yr old on earth. She enables lots of folks to miztvas a real chessed seeker. Her mom wrote this poem about her: Bubbling waterfall down a rock gurgling resounding in my ears so full of life constantly flowing made to comfort patients and their loved ones comforted I am reminded of Ma'ayana representing life from water; Chaya representing life; Mushka representing a sweet smell. Ma'ayana Chaya Mushka even though her body is so sick--her neshama is so full of life Ma'ayana Chaya Mushka bas Devorah Haddasah sweetest neshama in the whole wide world gurgling waterfall constantly renewed full of life. 2.Avrohom Menachem ben Soroh (one of our davener's brother)please daven for him for three more days, thank you. 3.Eliezer ben Basha Leah is related to one of our davener's children and has taken ill and is in serious condition, please daven for him, thank you.

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