Sunday, June 7, 2015

Aneinu Update and Please Daven

A message from Rav Aharon Bina, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh. Three weeks ago his grandson was seriously injured in a terror attack in Gush Etzion. There was second boy was also seriously injured in the attack… From Rav Bina (an update on his grandson): In the name of my wife and my children: No matter how much I say things it is not enough. Parents cannot see their children suffering and they for sure cannot see their grandchildren suffering. This has been a very hard three weeks, but we saw a lot of what the doctors keep saying – “Nes Eloki”, big miracles. Baruch Hashem, today he was released from the hospital. I want to thank everyone for all of the prayers, and to share with you a story. Until yesterday afternoon we thought that everyone else involved in the terrorist attack went home and no-one else was hurt. Yesterday my wife was in the elevator in the hospital, and one woman said to her “Are you Bina?” and she said “Yes”. “You know my grandson was hit together with your grandson, they both were thrown the same distance by the impact; some 6-7 meters. He’s in Shaarei Tzedek and has gone through four operations. They think that he’s going to be paralyzed in one foot.” Please, everyone should pray for this boy, Ido ben Tali. We really thank you, May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bless you, “Anyone who prays for his friend gets answered first” in Ruchniess and Gashmiess. Ad bli die (with no end). We love you all… Aharon and Malke Bina

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