Tuesday, June 30, 2015

OU Torah Series Hashoneh Halachos 2 with Mishneh Torah Begins Friday, July 10 (Guess When It Ends!)

For those who want to study halacha – Jewish law – on a long-term basis but in easy-to-consume amounts, OU Torah has the perfect program for you! For almost four years, OU Torah has offered HaShoneh Halachos (“The one who studies Jewish laws”) from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, the abridged code of Jewish law, by providing two laws a day on the OU Torah website, www.outorah.org, and via email to subscribers. The program began prior to the High Holy Days in 2011 and finishes up on Thursday, July 9. More than 2,000 subscribers have signed on. The four-year period of study, however, can be considered merely a warm-up for what is coming Friday, July 10. It is the Mishneh Torah, the Rambam’s (Maimonides’) great elucidation of Jewish law, composed in 14 tomes in the late twelfth century while he was living in Egypt. Mishneh Torah means “Repetition of the Torah.” The length of the program: a generation. As Rabbi Jack Abramowitz, Torah Content Editor for the OU website, www.ou.org, and coordinator of the HaShoneh Halachos program explains, “There are 14 books, each book is divided into a number of sections comprising groups of related subjects. So, for example, Sefer Z’manim (“The Book of Times”) includes Hilchos Shabbos, Hilchos Chametz u’Matzah,, Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah, etc. “Each of those sections,” he continues, “is broken into chapters and those chapters into laws, totaling 15,018 laws. That number of laws at two a day comes out to… 20 years, six months and change.”

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