Thursday, July 23, 2015

[Aneinu] Please daven for Yonason Uziel ben Victoria

Please daven for Yonason Uziel ben Victoria. This is a young man (in Israel) who fell from a height of 8 meters (over 26 feet) and is in a very difficult situation. They have set up a tehillim read for him at: Please take a moment and say a perek for him, thanks. Boys were playing around as teenagers do, with the lift /elevator for packages(can’t think of the exact wording),that raises the food to the dining room. This boy grabbed on from the outside to stretch some muscles, and the boys just lifted it up “a drop”(There are buttons to lift and lower.) with the intention to lower it. What actually happened is that the elevator went up to the second floor and got jammed, and they were not able to lower it...The boy was hanging there between heaven and earth at the height of 8 meters. They rushed to get mattresses but didn’t manage in time, and he could not hold out his strength long enough, and he just fell. It seems he prepared for the fall. According to the estimations, he first landed on his knees and then on his face. The result was, The left knee cap broken two and fractures in his face: skull, nose, jaw and area around the eyes. Additionally, there is slight bleeding in the brain and he inhaled blood into his lungs. It is not a simple situation at all. He will need several operations followed by a long rehab. Presently he is in an induced coma on a respirator with terrible suffering. The situation is just unbearable and extremely traumatic. It is especially hard for the family Just over a month ago,the family left Tel HaShomer after a neice passed way following a long hospital stay. When they left, they said that they don’t want to return to this place. And here, we don’t control things in life. The mother of this boy is extremely in pain, with all the memories, doctors that were invlolved with the neice, the ICU, ....very difficult. So PLEASE daven for him that he should be zoche to arise from his sick bed quickly completely healthy. And mainly that HaShem should say DAI! to our troubles and bring the geula speedily. Besuros tovos!

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