Thursday, July 16, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Young Mother

From Debbie in Eretz Yisroel: BS"D Dear Daveners: Please go online and say a perek or perakim of tehillim for Chaya Bas Ora at Below is the history: "Please continue davening for this woman. She has finished the chemo and there is nothing else they can do---the cancer has spread all over. Her name was changed to Chaya bas Orah. We should share in bsoros tovos! MW On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Malka wrote: A woman in our kehilla here was in her 8th month and was just diagnosed with the machalah, R"L, yesterday. It was so serious that they performed a c-section this morning (and delivered a healthy baby girl, B"H), so that she will be able to start treatments as soon as possible, as, unfortunately, things are apparently quite advanced. She has a bunch of little kids, including one in gan with Tova. Please daven for Elinor bas Svetlana for a refuah sheleimah. We should share bsoros tovos!"

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