Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Support Daf Digest

The Gemara in Nedarim asks “al ma ovdo ho’oretz” and answers “al she’lo baircho baTorah techila”. The Ran explains that the 1st Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed because their limud haTorah wasn’t lishma, was another “course of study”, wasn’t aimed in better and more fully understanding the D’var Hashem. It’s imperative that our Torah learning possess what they were missing and to develop the value of Torah and Limud HaTorah. This is precisely the goal of the Daf Yomi Digest, to give a fuller, broader and more in-depth knowledge and understanding to each and every Daf to the thousands of Daf Yomi learners in over 35 countries worldwide on so many different levels, and help them in their pursuit to finish Shas. Please join us in our commitment, to continue to enhance worldwide Daf Yomi learning. You can partner with us by sponsoring an issue of Daf Yomi Digest and/or becoming a member of Daf Yomi Digest. A simcha, refua shelaima, yaharzeit or any other day of note this month can be recognized by you through a sponsorship. Your sponsorship provides your special day, all 24 hours of it, with the extraordinary merit of the thousands of people learning their Daf Yomi along with the Daf Digest. Accordingly, your support will enable us to continue promoting Daf Yomi learning and the dissemination of the daily Daf Yomi Digest worldwide. We know that times are tough and that there are many worthy causes in need asking for your support, but we hope that you have benefited and appreciate what we’re doing enough to help ensure the future of the Daf Yomi Digest. Please reply to this email or click here to help support Daf Digest. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Thank you in advance and with your support, together we will continue moving forward in our joint rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdosh, bim’heiro b’yomeinu. Sincerely yours, Rabbi Daniel Muskat Director of Programming

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