Wednesday, July 8, 2015

THE BAIS HAVAAD HALACHA JOURNAL: Volume 5775 Issue XXXVI Parshas Balak Paintball, Boxing, and Other Unsafe Amusement Is it Permissible to Play Paint Ball? This article has been produced based on an audio presentation given by Rabbi Yaakov Rappaport

Is it Permissible to Play Paint Ball? Paint ball is a game in which two teams fight against each other using guns that are powered by carbon monoxide. The guns shoot paint balls which travel in excess of 150 miles per hour. When the paint ball hits the target of the other team it is frequently accompanied by a small bruise marking the point of impact. The question therefore arises as to whether one is allowed to play such a game since when he shoots his gun and hits his opposing team mate he may cause a bruise? Causing a bruise in this situation may be a prohibition from the Torah. How do we know in general that causing a bruise is an issur from the Torah? The Gemora in Makos 23A learns from the posuk “Loh yosif pen yosif” – that one should notadd on to malkus an extra malkus, lest you do so. The messenger from Bais Din may not add more whippings than the guilty party is required to receive. The gemora in Sanhedrin 85B tells us that if a Shliach Bais Din who is performing a Mitzvah by punishing the guilty party is prohibited from adding even one extra lash, how much more so is it prohibited to hit an innocent party who is underserving of such treatment. Based on the above it is clear that one who hits a fellow Jew is transgressing a Torah prohibition of “Loh yosif pen yosif”.

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