Wednesday, August 19, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Shaina Chana bas Itcha

Please Daven for me!!!!! My husband is a cousin to the original Belzer Rebbe!!!! They had health miracle stories!!!!! Please help me!!!!! Please someone pray for me! I had a severe antibiotic reaction to a drug that set off and autoimmune disease attacking all the nerves in my neck brain spinal cord that support the entire feeling in my mouth throat cheeks palate tongue behind my eyes and sinuses! I have gone paralysed and cannot feel anything to eat! I don't want to die snd need a miracle fast! I am written off and beg with tears to flood an ocean for help for a health miracle fast! I don't want to die! This is dangerous and much pain and suffering! I have burned until I felt no more! Please someone help me please?? It's actually trigeminal and glossipharngeal neuritis both sides entire head! I beg for help! I need a miracle from G-d in heaven!! Shaina Chana Bas Itcha Sherry Gerszberg

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