Wednesday, August 26, 2015

[Aneinu] Update on Rav Zev Leff & Requests for Tefillos fromEretz Yisroel

Correction: Yaakov Shlomo ben Gittel BS"D Dear Daveners: We have to put the "pedal to the metal" ASAP for: 1. Doniel ben Ilana a fifteen year old boy who has contracted a virus or bacteria which has attacked most of his vital organs, R"L, please keep him in your tefillos and recite as many perakim of tehillim for a refua for him. 2. Shlomo Ben Gittel (a friend of mine's husband) who had been doing very well, but the pancreatic cancer has returned, and he needs a refua/yeshua (please daven and say tehillim for him for the next 4 months). 3. Henna Rasha bat Yitta Ratza (Reb. Machlis) is in dire need of a refua/yeshua. (Please daven and say tehillim for her for the next 4 months). Update on Rav Leff Schlita: Rec'd from third party: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Hazen >; D at e: 2015-08-26 12:16 GMT+03:00 Subject: upd at e on Rav Leff To: Moshav list <> I was just at the hospital and was able to go in to see the Rav together with the Rebbetzin for a few minutes. He recognizes everyone around him, was able to hold my hand and to signal or try to spell with his hand certain short messages. He remains on a respirator in the ICU while continuing to show small amounts of improvement. There will be an at zeres teffilla tonight at the Kotel (see Meir Migdal's email). We will try to organize transport at ion if it is needed, therefore please call Meira (054-6720306 or 9144737) by 2pm. If you are in need or are able to provide transportation. Eli Please daven for Zev Yaakov Moshe ben Chaya

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