Monday, August 24, 2015


1.Krias shema in any language you need to understand what your saying but in lashon hakodesh you dont have to understand what you are saying.The B"H says it needs to be in the lasnguage of the land.The Poskim say you need to be careful withe name of HASHEM in lashon hakodesh or in a foreign language.The Pnei Yehoshua asks what should you if your not sure if you said the wrong bracha say it again in aramiac but the Chasam Sofer and RA"E disagree. 2.Why gemara Sotah not b/4 Nazir?1 answer is gemara Nedarim and Nazir are Similar.The Imrei Emes answers stop doing avairos then do mitzvos unfortunately that doesn't happen don't wait to stop doing avaros to do mitzvos 1st do mitzvos and then you will no0t do avara of sotah. 3.The Chasam Sofer says our gemara says Torah she bal pe is more beloved is why we teach our children Torah she bal pe b/4 Torah she biksav.

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