Sunday, September 27, 2015

[Aneinu] Community Notice

ANASH NEWS UPDATE A Service of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois 14 Tishrei 5776 Licht Bentchen: 6:20 IMPORTANT COMMUNITY NOTICE Please be aware of the following incident that took place recently. An 11 year old boy was crossing the intersection of Lunt and California heading south on California Ave on the East side of the street. He passed a white beat up older model pickup truck that was on Lunt Ave heading West. The pick up truck made a left turn onto California Ave. and headed South. The driver from the pick up truck yelled at the boy to get into the car. The boy did not listen and began to run. The pickup truck proceeded to follow him and went into the opposite lane. The boy ran for a block and met his mother who was walking in the opposite direction. At that point the pickup truck sped off. The police were called on the scene. The Driver is white, scruffy with brown hair, age in the 40's, wearing a baseball cap. The passenger is Hispanic clean shaven in his late 30's early 40's.

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