Thursday, September 17, 2015

[Aneinu] Missing persons & Updates

From Debbie in Israel: BS"D Dear Daveners: Please daven and say tehillim for the following missing persons: 1. Aaron Schneiderman, 25, of Beit Shemesh, was last seen on the night of Sept. 10 in the city about 20 miles west of Jerusalem. I do not have his Hebrew name. Please daven and say tehillim for his safe return. 2. Amir Ohana, a missing Israeli, 28, married father of 3 children from Bat Yam who was among the roughly 45,000 Jews traveling to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. He apparently left to take a walk by himself in the area of Uman on the afternoon of the 2nd day of RH, and never returned. He also has epilepsy. I do not have his Hebrew name. Please daven and say tehillim for his safe return. Updates 1. Zev Yaacov Moshe ben Chaya (Rabbi Leff) is BH doing well and was in shul on Rosh Hashana 2. Marilyn bas Sarah Esther who suffered a stroke (original notification was 19-August), has experienced some small positive signs, and needs our continue prayers/tehillim during her rehabilitation period. Please keep her in your prayers for 4 weeks.

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