Tuesday, September 8, 2015


ON THE “DAY OF JEWISH UNITY” ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Please share- This morning Jews around the world will be joining together to recite 2 chapters of Psalms in an attempt to deflect the acute danger that would result from allowing Iran a path to obtain nuclear warheads. ABOUT THE MISSION - THE CRISIS In roughly 3 weeks, Congress will vote on the Iran nuclear agreement. If approved in its present form, the Iran deal would place the Jewish nation in harm’s way and pose a grave threat to democracies worldwide. THE SOLUTION In times of crisis, the Jewish nation has historically turned to prayer in order to help us persevere and overcome the odds. Prayer has been the hallmark of our people since time immemorial. The days leading up to the High Holidays are an appropriate time for repentance, reflection and prayer. The days leading up to perhaps the most consequential Congressional vote in our lifetime is a compulsory time for unity and prayer. STEP ONE: On Tuesday, September 8, 2015, just days before Congress holds this important vote, a delegation of rabbis and community leaders will travel to Radin in Belarus in order to pray at the grave of the Chofetz Chaim, who was the beloved and revered leader of world Jewry in pre-war Europe. STEP TWO: In conjunction with that special event, coordinated by the Acheinu organization, Jews around the world will be joining together to recite 2 chapters of Psalms in an attempt to deflect the acute danger that would result from allowing Iran a path to obtain nuclear warheads. Join with a projected 500,000 Jews around the world in a Day of Unity and Prayer on September 8. To participate in this special global event please recite: Psalms, Chapters 20 and 130 and the short Acheinu prayer On September 8th between the hours of 7am-12pm About Acheinu Acheinu, the Kiruv arm of Dirshu, has brought thousands of Jewish youth back to Yiddishkeit. Acheinu's multi-faceted programs are showing thousands of boys and girls the beauty of Torah. In the past 13 years, our 3-Step System of Mentoring, Enrollment & Continued Follow-Up has helped over 5,400 children to integrate into the yeshiva system and to develop into genuine Bnei Torah. Tisku L mitzvoth Shana Tova UMituka Rachael

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