Sunday, October 18, 2015

[Aneinu] click & say a Perek Tehilim 4 Eretz Yisroel ANYtimeu have a chance!

Please help make this go viral. You can even choose English or Hebrew instructions. Ten years ago Shmuel Mett was a bochur in the Mir, engaged to be married. Sadly, he never reached this milestone as he was murdered in a stabbing attack on his way home from the kosel. To our distress we are experiencing a similar wave of terror currently in Eretz Yisrael. Some of us feel powerless, some are scared. At times like these we call upon our most powerful weapon. Whether you live in Eretz Yisrael, have children there or simply have a Jewish heart, there IS something you can to improve the situation. הקול קול יעקב והידיים ידי עשו Amiras tehillim has been established l'ilui nishmas Shmuel, as a refua shleima for the terror victims recent attacks in Israel and for the general matzav in Israel at the moment. It is hard for some people to commit to regular tehillim. Here you don't have to commit to any daily tehillim. When you feel like you need extra merit or simply have a free moment click on the link and say a perek. Please pass this on to as many people as possible so that we can reach our goal of 1,000 sifrei tehillim said. Tizku l mitzvos and may we all merit to see the geula shleima bekarov. With your help this war will be won!

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