Saturday, October 17, 2015

Aneinu Please Daven for Terror Victim Name change

BS"D        NOAR SHALEV BEN RUT ELISHEVA (please, and note the change of his mother's name) is hanging between life and death and needs our immediate tefillos/tehillim.  Please daven and say tehillim for him every chance you have, and when you say "Asher Yatzar." (Please note we had a gathering of women to say tehillim tonight here in Neve Yaakov and we read his name at that gathering where we said Sefer Tehillim 3 times).     Also, please note/update:  Chana bat Ziessel. She was successfully operated on on Sincha Torah and came home already last Friday. She heard from her surgeon this week and he said he got everything but as precautionary move he wants her to do chemo. Baruch Hashem. Her friend, one of our daveners, thanks you for all the Tefillot/tehillim. Aharon Moshe Chaim ben Chaya Chana (Young Kollel-man with family from Neve Yaakov wounded at Givat HaTachmoshet-Ammunition hill 8-Oct 2015 still in difficult condition) Avraham ben Rut Dvir ben Shoshana Maor Ephraim Ben Fetuna Daniella (A riot police officer was injured on Saturday (10.10.2015) near the Damascus Gate and is in critical condition) Meir Yitzchak ben Sarah Moshe ben Orli (stabbed just before Hoshana Raba) Naor Shalev ben Rus Elisheva (13-yr old severely wounded Pisgat Ze'ev) Nir ben Shoshi (wounded from Molotov Cocktail just before Hoshana Raba) Natan ben Odel (wounded in leg when his father was killed and mother wounded in Old City 3-October 2015. Released from hospital but still needs our prayers) Odel bas Miriam (wounded seriously when husband killed and toddler stabbed as well, released from hospital but still needs our prayers.) Or-el bat Limor (female soldier stabbed in Hadera 11-Oct. 2015 in serious condition)  Pesach Ben Ruchel Miriam Hadassah (Wounded in Malchei Yisroel attack in Geula 13-October 2015, very difficult condition needs our prayers) Rivka Bat Regina (70-yr. old wounded in attack at Tachana Merkaseet in Yerushalayim, released from hospital, but needs our prayers) Rafael ben Ethel Ron Shai ben Sigalit Sagi Ben Orit (An IDF officer who was injured on his head from a stone throwing (07.10.2015) Sahar bat Shoshana Shoshana bat Lulu [Injured in the attack in Armon Hanatziv. (14.10.2015)] Yom Tov Lipa Ben Roize (Wounded in Malchei Yisroel attack in Geula 13-October 2015, very difficult condition needs our prayers) Yosef Chaim ben Zehava  I rec'd these additiona names from "Ner Echad" the initiative of women davening for other women all over the world when lighting shabbos candles. - Inbar bat Chana  - Chananel ben Shula  - Yair ben Shoshana  - Shai Yitzchak ben Nili  - Ido ben Tali  --

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