Thursday, October 29, 2015

[Aneinu] Updated List of Wounded - Davening Request forTerror Victim

From Debby in Israel: BS"D Dear Daveners: The email contains the request to daven and say tehillim for Nirit Chana Bat Nitza. Below the perakim of tehillim is a beautiful article which I adapted (with the author's permission) from an article as written by Sherri Mandell (mother of Koby Mandell HY"D)in the Times of Israel the day after Dalia Lemkus HY"D's death. Please remember her on her yartzheit, tomorrow, Yud Zion Cheshvan. She was murdered on November 10, 2014. Also I forgot, but there is nice news as to one of those wounded, Meir Yitzhak ben Sarah, see the updated list after the piece about Dalia. Please daven and say tehillim for Nirit Chana Bat Nitza who was stabbed yesterday outside the Rami Levi store in the Gush. Here's is today's report from Arutz Sheva Gush Etzion attack victim shows signs of improvement A spokesperson for Shaarei Zedek Hospital announced on Thursday morning that the victim of the Gush Etzion stabbing attack continues to show signs of improvement. The victim successfully underwent surgery to remove the knife lodged in her spinal column and is now recovering in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. The four soldiers still being treated at the hospital have also showed signs of improvement.

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