Sunday, October 25, 2015

[Aneinu] Updated list & please daven for today's terror victims

Please daven for: Yisroel ben Baka stabbing victim from today's attack in Gush Etzion. Tahel bat Sigal, a 3-yr. old severely burned when the car she was riding in was fire-bombed by Arabs, she has been added to the list of wounded below. (That list has now grown to 38). Please keep her in your tehillim/tefillos for 8 weeks. Below is the updated list of wounded, Many thanks as always. Adi ben Rut Aharon Moshe Chaim ben Chaya Chana (Young Kollel-man with family from Neve Yaakov wounded at Givat HaTachmoshet-Ammunition hill 8-Oct 2015 still in difficult condition) Avraham ben Rut Chananel ben Shula (rec'd from Ner Echad) Daniel Ben Tali Dikla Bat Nanette (note the mother's name change--she was orphaned and adopted by a couple, the mother's name being Esther, but Nanette is her birth mother's name) female soldier critically wounded in the attack at entrance to Adam. 21-October 2015 Dvir ben Shoshana Erez Ben Chasiva Ido ben Tali (rec'd from Ner Echad) Inbar bas Chana (rec'd from Ner Echad) Maor Ephraim Ben Fetuna Daniella (A riot police officer was injured on Saturday (10.10.2015) near the Damascus Gate and is in critical condition) Maya bat Ilana Meir Yitzchak ben Sarah Menachem Ben Chana, 25 y/o Israeli man injured after being stabbed by Arab terrorist in Beit Shemesh 22-October-2015 Moshe ben Bracha Moshe ben Daisy Moshe ben Edgech Moshe ben Orli (stabbed just before Hoshana Raba) Naor Shalev ben Rus Elisheva (13-yr old severely wounded Pisgat Ze'ev) Natan ben Odel (wounded in leg when his father was killed and mother wounded in Old City 3-October 2015. Released from hospital but still needs our prayers) Nir ben Shoshi (wounded from Molotov Cocktail just before Hoshana Raba) Nov ben Virbena Odel bas Miriam (wounded seriously when husband killed and toddler stabbed as well, released from hospital but still needs our prayers.) Or-el bat Limor (female soldier stabbed in Hadera 11-Oct. 2015 in serious condition) Pesach Ben Ruchel Miriam Hadassah (Wounded in Malchei Yisroel attack in Geula 13-October 2015, very difficult condition needs our prayers) 25-Oct. 2015: Rabbi Pesach Krishevsky, 79, was released this past week, please continue to daven for him.. Rafael ben Ethel Rivka Bat Regina (70-yr. old wounded in attack at Tachana Merkaseet in Yerushalayim, released from hospital, but needs our prayers) Ron Shai ben Sigalit Sagi Ben Orit (An IDF officer who was injured on his head from a stone throwing (07.10.2015) Sahar bat Shoshana Shai Yitzhak ben Nilli (rec'd from Ner Echad) Shmuel Oni ben Antoni Shoshana bat Lulu [Injured in the attack in Armon Hanatziv. (14.10.2015)] Tahel bat Sigal, 3-yr. old wounded severely when car she was riding in was firebombed by Arabs Yaer Ben Rozina Yair ben Shoshana (rec'd from Ner Echad) Yom Tov Lipa Ben Roize (Wounded in Malchei Yisroel attack in Geula 13-October 2015, very difficult condition needs our prayers). Rabbi Yom Tov Lipa Neuhaus, who was critically injured during the murderous terror attack on Rechov Malchei Yisroel in Yerushalayim last week was released from Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center on Erev Shabbos, Kikar News reports. Rabbi Neuhaus was taken by ambulance to the scene of the attack, where he emotionally recited the brachah of “She’asah li neis bamakom hazeh.” Although Rabbi Neuhaus has not completely recovered and will require rehabilitation, the medical staff permitted him to go home. He will stay at the home of his father for the time being. Rabbi Neuhaus is a chossid of the Pinsk-Karliner Rebbe, who was mevaker choleh at his home. He spoke about the great neis Rabbi Neuhaus merited, a mere hair’s breadth away from death’s door. (source: Yosef Chaim ben Zehava

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