Thursday, October 22, 2015

CHABAD.ORG 7 Things You Can Do for Israel Today Help by taking an action from this list, and by sharing it with family, friends and colleagues

Once again, Jewish people in Israel are under terrorist attack. Innocent men, women and children have been killed, and many more have been injured across the country. Some of the victims were visiting the Western Wall to pray; some were driving their kids; others were simply heading off to work. One child was riding his bicycle. In this critical time, we all ask: What can I do for Israel? How can I help my brothers and sisters in the Holy Land? Obviously, Israel’s government, army and police are striving to do all in their power to protect the nation’s citizens. But there is much we can do as well, no matter how distant we are geographically. The Torah teaches us (and history has repeatedly demonstrated to us) that the physical protection of each one of us — and, indeed, our very collective destiny! — is intrinsically connected to our spiritual activism. When we pray or dedicate a good deed to our brothers and sisters in Israel, we create a spiritual defense shield for them that will help them through difficult and dangerous times. In that vein, we’ve gathered some of the directives that the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of righteous memory, shared with the Jewish people worldwide during similar events; positive action we can each take for Israel and its people.

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