Friday, November 13, 2015

[Aneinu] Hebron Emergency Campaign

HEBRON EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN Umm.. not sure how to say this, but moments ago, terrorists opened fire on a car in the Hebron Hills and shot and killed the dad (age 40) and his son (age 18). Residents of Kiryat Arba. Driving in a car. I would like to ask everyone to please take a moment to pray and then make the best donation you can right now. Help me buy the equipment necessary to keep us safe in Hebron. Please don't wait. Please donate now. -Bullet-proof vests for security personnel at schools & houses of prayer -CCTV camera systems at schools, houses of prayer, Ma'arat HaMachpela and other holy sites -ATV type vehicle for security personnel, to provide adequate safety -ALS and BLS & other Emergency Medical Equipment -Counseling & therapeutic activities to provide relief and comfort for the emotional trauma faced by Hebron's children Thank you for your continued support. Shabbat SHALOM. Dan Rosenstein The Hebron Fund 1760 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230 718-677-6886 -

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