Thursday, November 19, 2015

Aneinu Jonathan Pollard Please Daven

From Debbie in Israel: BS"D   Dear Daveners:       Before I list the names, I want to share that this Shabbas Vayeitze will be the first Shabbos that Yonatan ben Malka, Jonathan Pollard, will experience outside prison in thirty years.  For those of us who have been davening for him all these years, please note, an email address has been set up for people to send words of encouragement:  May the HK"B to continue to help, give strength and support, and guidance to Yonatan ben Malka.      Today was another day of tragedy for Klal Israel: four people were murdered and many injured in two separate attacks, one in Tel Aviv and one in the Gush.  May we find a way to come back to the HK"B through tefillos and teshuva.  May "our work" davening for and caring about the cholim in Klal Yisroel connect us to each other but more importantly forge a stronger connection with HK"B.  May you and Klal Yisroel be blessed with a shabbos of yeshua, refua and menucha. Shifra bas Riva, a Chicagoan undergoing yet another surgery and in great need of Rachamei Shomayim. (2 weeks) Fayge Perl bas Bashia Bracha (Fayge Goldstein from Neve Yaakov) in great need of a yeshua and refua (4 weeks) Yaffa Shulamit bas Miriam Minnah recurrence of Machla in great need of yeshua and refua (4 weeks)

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