Thursday, November 26, 2015

Aneinu Please Daven

From Debbie in Israel: BS"D  Dear Daveners:    There was a serious accident in Bus Flipped between Rimonim & Kochav HaShachar in Shomron (YWN reported location), 41 people were injured and 1 person R"L was killed (Arutz Sheva reported number of injured, bus had been carrying 50 people).  The cause is not yet known.  Please daven that the victims should recover.   Yonatan ben Bracha Leah is out of ICU and is not awaiting tests to determine whether surgery will be required.  Please daven for a positive outcome for him for the next one week, thanks very much.      HK"B  Please hear our heartfelt prayers, our efforts to attain deveikus, and do Your bidding.

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