Sunday, November 29, 2015

[Aneinu] Please Daven

From Debbie in Israel: BS"D Dear Daveners: Chen Leah bat Yael a little baby girl who has a stomach tumor. Please keep her in your prayers/tehillim for the next 3 weeks, thank you. Melech Dovid Ben Sarah who will be undergoing open heart surgery in a few hours. Please keep him in your prayers/tehillim for one week. Rivka Elisheva bas Gittel Devora, who actually had an infection in her brain, which is slowly healing but it is taking time to recover all her motor functions, memory, etc. Please keep her in your prayers/tehillim for the next four weeks. Update Sheindel bat Royza, one of our davener's cousin had been unconscious but is now talking to her sister. She is still in intensive care, and is undergoing an alternative treatment to dialysis which is more difficult for her. She still needs Tehillim and tefillot. Tizku l'mitzvot, all of you! Please keep her in your prayers/tehillim for two weeks, thank you very much. May we hear good news very, very soon.

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