Thursday, November 26, 2015

[Aneinu] Techiya Litman & Ariel Biegel Chasana Video

The chasana is over, but you can watch the recording. The link is below. May Klal Yisroel know only simchos! Dear Jerusalem Diaries friends, I realize that many of you are busy with your Thanksgiving day preparations and activities, but if you want to really understand and appreciate the strength and resilience of our people, go right now to the live streaming of a very special wedding. It's the wedding of Sarah Techiya Litman & Ariel Biegel that was postponed from a few weeks ago when Sarah's father and brother were murdered in a terror attack as they were driving to the Shabbat Kallah. On her original wedding day, Sarah was sitting shiva for her brother and father. After the shiva the families chose tonight for the wedding and moved it to the largest space in Jerusalem: the Binyanei Hauma convention center--then they invited the Jewish world to celebrate with them. I'll be on my way there shortly--along with the rest of Jerusalem! Guests have arrived from communities all over the world. watch it now and join with Am Yisrael in an evening of joy, unity, celebration--and remembrance of Rabbi Yaakov and Netanel Litman HY"D. Giving thanks from Jerusalem, Judy

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